Some, such as Myohyrax, were so similar to hyraxes, they were initially misidentified as belonging to that group, while others, such as Mylomygale, were relatively rodent-like.
He was initially misidentified in press reports as the name "Capt Ken 'Wiz' Dwelle" was painted on the aircraft's canopy.
Upon arriving on the scene, Admiral Hipper was initially misidentified by Glowworm to be a friendly vessel, which allowed the German ship to close the distance and fire first.
During its discovery in 2005, it was initially misidentified by the team as Ecnomiohyla fimbrimembra, but Kubicki recognized it as a new species.
Many of the compounds were initially misidentified as many of them are incongruent and decompose before melting.
Winston Churchill replied that the aircraft that attacked Domala had been initially misidentified as a friendly one, which was why the guns were not manned.
The F-117's pilot was initially misidentified.
It is an introduced species in Hawaii, where it was initially misidentified as Acrolepiopsis assectella.
His body was initially misidentified as he was wearing the jacket of his brother Tommy.
They were initially misidentified as wulfenite, but later determined to be a new mineral species.