Series creator Tom Ruegger initially modeled the Warners' personalities heavily on those of his three sons.
On April 24, 2006, AFN Europe launched AFN The Eagle, a virtually 24-hour-a-day radio service format initially modeled after "Jack FM" but most recently a "Hot AC" format.
Modeling initially suggested that the meteorite struck at a speed of up to 20 kilometers per second (45,000 mph), but more recent research suggests the impact was substantially slower, at 12.8 kilometers per second (28,600 mph).
Mr. Kessel initially modeled his style closely on that of the pioneering electric guitarist Charlie Christian, a fellow Oklahoman, and he continued to regard Christian as his main influence.
He said his program, initially modeled on the Police Department's Compstat meetings, helped him use strict accountability to reduce violence and overtime pay and to improve efficiency.
Initially modeled on the Anglican ideals of older, European institutions, the University of New Brunswick was founded in 1785 as the Academy of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Initially modeled after movie stills, Sherman's pictures are not, of course, abstract.
SplendidCRM adopted the LAMP based SugarCRM Open Source as the blueprint on which to initially model its ASP.NET application.
Initially modeled on 18th-century periodicals, the Eclectic adapted early to the competitive periodical market of the early 19th century, changing its style to include longer, more evaluative reviews.
Angelika Oatway, 19, the melancholic musician from Los Angeles, stated that she didn't want to model initially, despite a lot of people telling her she should, because she thinks it is "superficial".