Since I was not initially overwhelmed with offers, I needed to sustain myself with part-time employment.
Elbrun is initially overwhelmed with data from Gomtuu but eventually comes to identify himself with the ship.
The phone line was initially overwhelmed by a high call volume.
In the 1950's, federal agents were initially overwhelmed by waves of Mexican farmworkers illegally crossing the border.
For a variety of reasons, the firefighting teams were initially overwhelmed by the firestorm.
Now, already three-quarters through the return trip, he'd been forced to admit the truth that had initially overwhelmed him when he first drove onto the expressway.
Like many first-year students, she said was initially overwhelmed by her new independence.
While initially overwhelmed and full of questions, he is also completely accepting, noting that he always felt there was something magical about his family.
Tasked with completing 40 hours of community service work, Hemmis was initially overwhelmed by the commitment.
As with the Prussians, Cumberland's army was initially overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the French attacks.