Therefore, a woman's body weight usually does not have a substantial effect on when movements are initially perceived.
Show, if true, how the decision point or dilemma differs from the one initially perceived.
These problems are perceived initially as tools for fighting against unequal access to health services.
"The only advantage to looking the way I look is I'm often not perceived as a threat to white people initially," she said.
And Abby's problem may not be as serious as initially perceived.
"I would say that more than a quarter of our customers perceived of us initially as a threat to their business."
The artists themselves didn't initially perceive these similarities to be particularly important and denied the existence of a homogeneous movement.
The relationship between income, which mostly arises from the scarcity of a certain skill, may however, prove to be more complex than initially perceived.
In addition, observers who initially perceived a clockwise rotation had more difficulty experiencing the alternative.
For example, in Bosnia and Kosovo, the public did not initially perceive outsiders as having moral authority.