But it is more than the $133 million that Texas initially pledged to land a Toyota truck plant in San Antonio, which opened last year.
The parties initially pledged to run respectful campaigns against one another, and their mayoral candidates speculated about forming a coalition government after the election.
Joyal initially pledged to remain with the MAG but ultimately returned to federal politics.
Despite initially pledging to work together, Nelson and Hagel had a somewhat frosty relationship.
Lee initially pledged not to seek election, although an active movement arose to draft him into the race.
The PCB initially pledged its support, but became suspicious of Guevara when he arrived.
In the immediate wake of the revelations, Giambrone initially pledged to continue with his mayoral campaign, but announced his withdrawal the following day.
Having misread the horror and scope of this human upheaval, he initially pledged a meager $11 million in emergency aid last Friday.
Yasa'ur initially pledged loyalty to the new Ilkhan, but was apparently uncooperative with Ilkhanid authorities.
(The Bush administration initially pledged $35 million in tsunami aid, but raised it to $350 million.)