The effect of higher energy prices, either through taxes or producer-induced shortages, initially reduces demand but in the longer term encourages greater energy efficiency.
The panel said that Congress should initially reduce legal immigration to 700,000 a year and ultimately to 550,000 from the current level of about 830,000.
Charlotte Rae initially reduced her role in seasons six and seven, and later decided to leave the series altogether.
A midshipman who became master's mate earned an increase in pay from £2 15s to £3 16s per month, but initially reduced his chances at a commission.
Black mustard contains chemicals that might initially reduce pain when applied to the skin.
He said the replacements, along with overtime and the part-time workers, would at least initially reduce the $25 million in savings that had been expected.
She started slowly, initially reducing her number of performances per year, until she stopped singing all together.
The leakage of hydrogen into space contributes to the pushing of the Earth from an initially reducing state to its current oxidizing one.
Stretch-out of mission or production schedules, which can initially reduce total annual costs, would result in higher unit costs.
During the first years of the new regime, the Fascist pursued a laissez-faire economic policy: they initially reduced taxes, regulations and trade restrictions on the whole.