Mayor of Riga Nils Ušakovs, an ethnic Russian, initially refrained from supporting the referendum, but later called for a "yes" vote.
BOC race officials initially refrained from asking another BOC racer to divert course to help in the search because the nearest boat had problems of its own.
He initially refrained from accepting the offer, and Bain re-arranged the terms in a complicated partnership structure so that there was no financial or professional risk to Romney.
Santer initially refrained from discussing the episode's plot, but commented that it would resolve a "big storyline" which would "keep the audience (as well as the cast and crew) guessing until the very last moment."
In January 2007, Timberlake began dating actress Jessica Biel, with whom he had been photographed on multiple occasions; the couple initially refrained from publicizing their relationship.
And that's why he initially refrained from attacking our ship: I told him Timmer was in the brig. But as soon as we left the island, he realized Timmer was dead.
Belarus and Uzbekistan initially refrained from signing on to the agreement; Belarus because of a trade dispute with Russia, and Uzbekistan due to general concerns.
While Debian initially simply refrained from including documentation, a direct request from Nagy made Debian remove Waf and discourage its use as a build system.
Though I have no vested interest in Howard Dean, it was refreshing that he initially refrained from using his wife as a prop on the campaign trail.
She initially refrains from telling Cyril, fearing that he will get into trouble.