Preliminary digging in the thick woods initially revealed nothing.
Excavations of the mound initially revealed domestic features such as floors, burials.
However, the show did not initially reveal its fictional nature to its audience.
Factory testing initially revealed mechanical failures that were reduced by the use of redesigned components, greatly improving reliability.
Parents will often pace what they reveal initially, giving only information that they feel is required.
Due to issues of criminal insanity, the mass media had not initially revealed Nishizawa's name when reporting on the case.
Moorad initially revealed Ramirez's concerns during the winter meetings in Boston earlier this month.
Though not initially revealed how, Sabretooth is indeed back from the dead and is trying to start a war between rival gangs in Japan.
Jonathan Crane was not initially revealed as part of the cast of the game, with his appearance meant to surprise players.
A Snellen chart or other eye charts may initially reveal reduced visual acuity.