The nomination has been in limbo for well over a year, stalled initially by ethics questions about Mr. Holbrooke's business dealings as an investment banker.
The match initially stalled and before it began, the two opponents showcased a display of sportsmanship.
Their debut single "Hangin' Tough" initially stalled early in the summer, but it was the follow-up "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" that went straight in at No. 1 in the Autumn.
Egyptian cultural officials initially stalled prospects of an American tour, as Egypt was then more closely aligned with the Soviet Union, where fifty pieces had toured in 1973.
The legislation initially stalled in the Congress over the issuance of bonds to finance the project, but the legislative effort was renewed and the law was signed by Ike in June 1956.
The very concept worried the Pentagon, and Britain initially stalled Galileo, demanding a report by management consultants before it threw its weight behind the project.
Investigations into cures via treatment protocols or vaccines initially stalls as scientists can't find a cell culture to grow the new virus, which has been named the Meningoencephalitis Virus One (MEV-1).
However, Peterborough initially stalled the deal because of injury worries, but he finally completed his loan move to Kettering on 1 August 2008.
The program initially stalled with state governments asserting that the proposed funding was inadequate.
Michael Cimino was hired by Paramount to direct the film when negotiations with Ross initially stalled.