Neutral pronation An individual who neutrally pronates initially strikes the ground on the lateral side of the heel.
And the whole business of the engagement initially struck me as odd.
He was considerably galled that Banana Kelly initially struck a deal with an outside group to take over its buildings.
He notices the two long, scorched areas, about thirty meters apart, where the T-38 had initially struck the hill and then bounced even while disintegrating.
This initially strikes me as a slightly wrong-headed optimization.
From the bumpy main road that roughly bisects Anguilla, this tiny island doesn't initially strike the visitor as beautiful.
The eleven founding teams initially struck an agreement over player poaching and the declaration of an end-of-season champion.
Again, there is often much more of a pattern to the words than initially strikes the ear.
The present show may initially strike some visitors as both difficult and disconcerting.
The floor initially struck the 6th floor, feeding on rich wall coverings, carpets and fabrics there.