(6) Hypothalamus, at base of brain, initially triggers pituitary gland into production of sexually influential hormones.
A complex cognitive task may initially trigger high-amplitude signals associated with good performance, but as the subject gets better at it, the amplitude may come down with performance staying the same.
This depolarization initially triggers fasciculation of skeletal muscle.
In some cases, small social service centers have moved in, initially triggering the neighbors' concerns.
Initially triggered by the Great Famine and then in search of work in the newly industrialising United Kingdom and the United States, the population fell considerably.
This can be triggered initially when wet skin comes into contact with cut grass and yarrow together.
The wedding date being set for 29 July 1989, the engagement initially triggered familial reconciliation.
Upon retinal injury, gliosis of these cells occurs, functioning to repair damage, but often having harmful consequences in the process, worsening some of the diseases or problems that initially trigger it.
The international adoption of South Korean children is a recent historical process triggered initially by casualties of the Korean War after 1953.
This initially triggers conflict when Mackay realizes Bronson is to be his superior officer, but he mellows and matures over the years.