One specific research area in the manufacturing sector brought us open innovation, utilized initially by the computer and high-tech industry.
The 1500 volt DC heavy rail electrification commenced operation in 1926 and also initially utilised high capacity rotary converters.
Working in the poorest districts, teachers (who were often local working people) initially utilised stables, lofts, and railway arches for their classes.
These correspond to a firm initially utilising resources within a single group i.e. an engineering department connecting desktop machines, clusters and equipment.
From 1912, garbage collection became a city function, initially utilizing a mix of landfill burial, incineration, and dumping from scows.
This twice-daily service, promoted with British Caledonian, initially utilised Comet 4Bs.
The lock initially utilized a gravity-flow principle until pumps were installed years later.
ElephantDrive initially utilized Amazon S3 as a tool for a datacenter migration, but quickly moved it into the production infrastructure.
Monkey-Spider is a crawler based client honeypot initially utilizing anti-virus solutions to detect malware.
Following these tragedies, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, initially utilizing a crushed stone surface, was paved with brick to produce a safer track.