To the Editor: As a lawyer, I bemoan the litigation initiated by vexed parents to have Pokemon card collecting deemed "a form of illegal gambling" (news article, Sept. 24).
The referral process for a gifted evaluation can be initiated by teachers or parents by contacting the student's building principal to request an evaluation.
It was initiated by parents and carers Ivan and Charika Corea, founders of the Autism Awareness Campaign UK.
During the 2007-08 school year, a varsity fencing team was initiated by parents along with the Athletic Department.
Charter schools are new schools, initiated by parents, teachers or other groups, funded by the taxpayer, free to pupils, but autonomous from the traditional school authorities.
The Disruption process is usually initiated by adoptive parents via a court petition and is analogous to divorce proceedings.
The New Small Autonomous Schools (NSAS) movement was initiated by parents, teachers, and activists committed to improving education in Oakland, which had a long history of poor urban school conditions including high dropout rates, school overcrowding and violence, and teacher turnover.
They have done an exceptionally fine job with very few resources and many of them were initiated by parents who have experienced the anguish of losing their children and, in many cases, finding their children had been murdered.