At the beginning of every initiation period, members are instructed to make a plaque to represent the symbol of Texnikoi.
At one time, this secluded initiation period lasted several months, but the time has since been shortened significantly.
Of course, after your initiation period is done, your balance of good and evil will change, and your resignation would be on different terms.
The initiation period is the time that a pledge or potential new member of the fraternity engages in before being initiated as a member.
During their initiation period, the cadets study for their B.Sc.
The initiation period varies from several weeks to several months, depending upon such factors as the initiate's age, lineage membership, school attendance, and ethnicity.
Of course, you are in perfect balance during your initiation period; every officeholder needs time for trial and error.
Of course, he was still in his initiation period.
After his election he has to follow a six-month initiation period, during which he is not allowed to shave or wash.
After a sometimes rocky learning process that included problems with costly interceptions, Brown knows the initiation period is over and the time to lead has arrived.