This initiative, passed by voters in 1998, bans the use of Los Angeles County revenue from existing sales taxes for subway tunneling.
This year, voters will also face initiatives to restrict the hunting of bears and cougars in five states and to ban lethal trapping in Massachusetts.
In short, the initiative bans quotas and discrimination.
This initiative would amend the Arizona state Constitution, and ban the use of Clean Elections money for political races.
The initiative, a political ethics measure, also banned the acceptence of speaking fees.
Then in 1948, another initiative banned the use of seine nets (devices already used by Native Americans, and refined by later settlers) altogether.
I welcome the initiative to ban exports of mercury because, despite the restrictions imposed in recent years, its use has not declined significantly.
In addition to the sell-and-bust effort, the new initiative bans those convicted of buying illegal drugs in a particular park from returning to that park while they are on probation.