The university offers $50,000 each year to students, faculty, and staff to fund green initiatives.
The was founded to fund initiatives that other foundations do not reach.
These funds would be used to fund other economic initiatives to alleviate poverty and develop the renewable energy sector.
One initiative funded by the Trust is
The Foundation also invites applications from schools and sports clubs for grants of up to £2,000 to fund initiatives that will increase participation in sport.
The same markets made it easy for private entities to raise bonds or sell shares to fund private initiatives.
A number of small community-based initiatives funded by my department have reclaimed many from the chaos of street life.
We are distinct from the private sector because any profit generated is used to fund new initiatives in West Belfast.
ASH relies on the support of its donors to keep its programs and global initiatives funded.
U4energy is an initiative funded under the IEE programme to improve energy consumption in schools and their local communities.