They convert a downbeat Texas gun shop into a D.J.-fueled concept store that tries to inject Paris-London-Berlin style into the staunchest of the red states.
At twenty, he could read music and he started to be featured in extended trumpet solos, one of the first jazzmen to do this, injecting his own personality and style into his solo turns.
Lawyer Shaunna Jones, 33, longed to inject personal style into her office outfits.
Along with the new Louis Vuitton megastore, some upstart boutique hotels are injecting contemporary style around the Champs-Élysées, refusing to let the grande dame of Paris boulevards slide into picturesque obsolescence.
Ruling: "An attempt to inject style into the review rather than an attempt to convey with technical precision literal facts about the restaurant."
Women's-wear makes up the most important aspect of Costelloe's label, but in the past few years, Paul has injected his expertise and style into a new menswear line, a home-wear range with Dunnes Stores in Ireland and an optical collection of designer glasses.
Utilizing nylon strings on his acoustic guitar, Marc also injected flamenco style into much of the album's work.
It includes works by talented young writers, including Young Jean Lee ("Church") and Sheila Callaghan ("Dead City"), who have injected energy and literary style into the theater scene.
The commercial illustrators exhibited in this fairly bulky, though handsome, art book - most were hired to promote high-end clients like Chanel, Givenchy, Monoprix, Telefunken, Renault and Piper-Heidsieck - have injected their imagination, style and panache into their commissions.