A sweeping injunction has barred newspapers and television news programs from publishing the embarrassing allegations about the inner workings of Britain's security services, brought up by a disgruntled former officer.
The injunction barred the demonstrators from congregating within 50 feet of the stores.
The civil injunctions can bar individuals from consorting with gangs, wearing regalia or using the internet to organise meet-ups.
The injunction barred anyone from entering a 168-square-mile zone in the North Atlantic, surrounding the sunken liner.
The injunction would not only halt the flights but also bar the defendants from any business or operation related to air transportation.
Opponents said today that they would argue that an injunction issued in 1991 still barred the plant from opening.
The injunction barred the organizations from holding any triathlons until the issue was resolved.
The injunction also bars the activists from trying to occupy the company's offices.
The injunction barred members of Operation Rescue from trespassing on the clinics' property and from blocking people entering or leaving the buildings.
The lawyers noted that the injunction specifically barred state employees from asking the immigration status of people they suspect of having entered the country illegally.