We can't stand around listenin' to those two stoats jawin' each other to death while yer paw's injured bad.
Vitch thrashed about in the water, losing his balance as he tried to dutch his injured paw.
Obediently, the wolf lay down by the fire and extended her injured paw.
She looked at the dog, who was licking his injured paw and rubbing his sore nose.
Binabik leaned forward and took Qantaqa's injured paw in his small hand, bending it back and forth.
But, Michael, sliding helplessly down the perpendicular bottom of the crate, fetched up with his full weight on the injured paw.
Doghead wiped dirt from his eyes and licked his injured paw.
Like a sugary Woolworths picture of a sweet little cat with an injured paw?
His friend stroked a lancebutt with an injured paw.
Vitch rocked back and forth, trying to staunch the flow of blood by stuffing the injured paw into his mouth.