Diseases and injuries also account as random events that typically occur with unpredictability, though this is not always the case.
Overall, injury and assault accounted directly for 36% of consultations and alcohol for 19%.
That injury also accounted for splotches of blood found on the roadway, which no one else mentioned.
When you take that into account, injuries account for 15 percent of the disease burden.
In the Ontario study, all catastrophic injuries recorded for recreational canoeing were fatal, and accounted for 4.3% of all sport and recreation fatalities in the province.
During these years, unintentional injuries account for more deaths than the next nine leading causes of death combined.
Tractor-related injuries account for approximately 32% of the fatalities and 6% of the nonfatal injuries in agriculture.
Our Week 16 ranks have been updated, the injuries all accounted for.
Interesting; she was far stiffer than even a back injury would account for.
Such injuries account for almost 90 percent of benefit costs in California and 70 percent nationwide.