Warner attempted to come back later in the season, but his injury allowed him to play only two more games (both losses).
David's birthday was in March but his injuries did not allow for a celebration until last Thursday.
However, injuries and a poor form from Lucas allowed Smith to made 27 appearances during the season.
His injuries allowed him to do that, he decided.
He wanted to hold her, but his injuries wouldn't allow much movement.
This injury only allowed him to play 32 games for Doncaster and eventually forced his retirement in 1996.
In the 1972-73 season, injuries and suspensions allowed Yorath to establish himself as a first team regular.
Non fatal injuries cause a more minor reaction and can allow for resistance to build up.
Time and injuries have allowed Pennington to see that the greatest thing any of us can have is our health.
Everything being equal, she wants to compete and will unless the injury wouldn't allow it.