Haq did not say whether any protesters were injured, but private Bangla Vision television put the injury toll at around 50.
By 23 June 2010, the death toll had risen to 76 people and the injury toll had risen to 745.
As I described last week, the injury toll in Irish teams is negligible by comparison to the English clubs.
The game added to the Rangers' injury toll.
There were some low points to the season apart from the injury toll, mainly three big losses which blew out the 'for' and 'against' scores record.
The Packers are definitely beatable especially given the injury toll now being tallied on defense.
To do so little in the face of this preventable death and injury toll - particularly when the victims are children - is astonishing.
Double hits are getting more prevalent, and the injury toll is getting heavier and higher.
They also said the injury toll could exceed 2,000.
Smith retired from the Saints at the end of 2010 because of his injury toll; it impacted his fitness, skills and game time.