The gunslinger wondered what he would feel if that inky sky should split open and let in a torrent of light.
Looking through the window, he was alarmed to see streaks of pink light stealing across the inky sky.
The moon had disappeared in an inky sky, whence an icy drizzle was falling.
The stars were out above them, in an inky sky the colour of her dress.
A reverse looking up shows the Dude hurtling toward us out of the inky sky, his eyes wide with horror.
Lunetta's chanting rose in pitch as she tilted her head up to the inky sky.
The reefed sails stood out starkly against the inky black sky.
Then it plummeted, dropping silently through the inky sky.
Then he leaped out into the inky skies.
Off to the left and right he could see the inky sky, stabbed with stars.