All were arranged around a long and low table of polished and inlaid woods.
The footprint at the deepest level, which is made from mother-of-pearl inlaid wood, still retains its beautiful design.
The morning sun fell full upon her raised seat of inlaid wood to the rear of the bowl, even while the rest was in shadow.
The church is designed to direct the eye to the central altar and its crucifix, set against a huge background or reredos of inlaid wood.
Here, the bed was of inlaid wood, its covers and canopy and cushions all green velvet.
Did you notice that under all the other scents the inlaid wood still smells of sandalwood?
It was formed of small pieces of inlaid wood.
Unless I am mistaken, the secret lies in one of these little pieces of inlaid wood.
Sir Owain sat behind a table of inlaid wood.
She raised her eyes from the exquisitely inlaid wood, and met his look.