Her humor and innate charm was first noticed in a real estate TV commercial that caught everyone's attention.
I didn't have any illusions that she'd chosen me because of some innate magnetic charm or superior radiance I gave off.
And the guards know there's nothing you can do, which adds to the innate charm of airport security personnel.
He cleared his throat, wishing he had been blessed with Chiavari's innate charm.
But as the season wears on, the innate charms of these same ingredients can be enhanced with the addition of herbs, spices, oils and vinegars.
Like the rest of the collection, it had innate charm that looked easy to live with and to wear.
The orchard kept its own strange attractiveness, as some women with youth long passed still preserve an atmosphere of remembered beauty and innate, indestructible charm.
Through innate charm and sheer willpower, the actress infuses a cardboard character with enough dimensions to sustain viewer interest.
Nor had the innate charm that Savannah had talked about.
Allied to his fighting instinct was an innate charm, a quiet responsiveness and light manner.