No, this gave each muscle an extra innate strength, making them work much better, much more powerfully, than they would have otherwise.
But the traveling, despite Jeff s innate strength, took a noticeable toil of his energy.
Giuseppe's innate strength made up for his relative lack of size but it would push the boat off course.
An innate strength that allowed him to rise above his own wounds.
Jean's innate strength of character saw her fight the condition that she knew to be taking over her life.
Ideally, such techniques should assist our own instincts and innate strength, rather than taking over from them.
Thus artists who attempt to stretch beyond their innate strengths command respect but risk failure.
The innate strength of American democracy has up to now resisted it even in times of crisis.
Very light, held rigid by air pressure rather than by any innate strength of the material.
He so clearly expected to be selected as Keeper, for he certainly has the innate strength.