It seemed to be crescent- shaped, enclosing a small inner bay or lagoon.
Protected by encircling land, the inner bay was calm.
The Nhiahar entered the inner bay and, swerving to avoid a ferry, approached the south island.
The Buddhas are raised on an 87 cm high platform, with each of the seven inner bays holding one sculpture.
The Anadyr River enters the inner bay from the west.
The entire area corresponds to Izmir's small inner bay which existed until the 18th century and is thus land gained from the sea.
Only traditional fishing methods are permitted in the inner bay.
The market itself came into existence with the filling between 1650-1670 of the shallowest parts of the inner bay.
There was anchorage for only a few boats on the inner bay.
They went to the inner bay to turn around and then docked facing the Salmon Eye.