On leaden legs, yet with a strange inner contentment born of hope, he tramped on beside Dall up the slope.
A deep, inner contentment possessed her as she went up the walk and into the old house which no longer looked reproachfully at her.
He stretched, feeling the inner contentment of one who has suffered much to arrive at a just reward.
In one song, about the search for inner contentment, Ms. Carpenter urges her listeners not to "be late for your life."
His eyes sparkled, his rich golden hair seemed to shine more brightly, and when the Stardust had settled, he stood perfectly still, glowing with inner contentment.
Lingat states that inner contentment can be best understood as "the approval of one's conscious".
His big, bright blue eyes forever seemed locked into an inner contentment.
If you can map the inner contentment of a man by his outward appearance and gesture, J.G.V. is an ecstatic.
This is achieved by sound nutrition, adequate exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and above all, by seeking the ways in which we may find inner contentment.
She knelt as a peasant, her hands were rough like a peasant's, but her self-assurance was enormous and her inner contentment obvious.