The creature will forever be ensouled with the creative activity, and move and act according to the inner impulse of the Creator.
Admirably attentive to the world and to their own inner impulses, these are authentic and most satisfying poems.
One's own actions may be dictated not through outside force but through an inner impulse of sorrow over another's suffering.
They create from an inner impulse that generates direct, deeply felt art admired by many collectors.
We experience this flow as our own inner impulses, and this is also appropriate, because for every stage of God there exists a specific biological response.
It seems that evolution takes place near my heart, and I try to obey my inner impulses, even when they don't bring me more money, status, or power.
He saw that poetic inner impulses, laid bare by the pictorial devices of Surrealism, could be made accessible to the outer world.
Like the sacred music, Liszt's works of premonition, death and mourning came from a deep inner impulse and he usually did not seek their publication.
In a tour de force of all-out dancing, David Thomson seemed charged by some inner, irresistible impulse that would not let him rest.
In Middle-earth, then, both good and evil function as external powers and as inner impulses from the psyche.