Seemingly directed by their own inner psyches, they operate sporadically, capriciously and often with glacial slowness.
He did his job because that was what he did and no exploration of his inner psyche ever provided a better explanation.
Sigmund Freud and other later psychologists located inspiration in the inner psyche of the artist.
The work became famous for its depiction of a privileged man's inner psyche.
Instead of taking inspiration from the private inner psyche, he was now exploring art that relied on readily recognizable and accessible commercial hardware components.
Individually and collectively, these two fine actors mine their characters' inner psyches with extraordinary results.
"It is a true reflection of my inner psyche," she said.
I don't have the luxury of using this office as a character-building exercise, or to explore the inner psyches of my detectives.
Surely many respondents to these surveys are reflecting what they hear on the evening news, rather than probing their inner psyches.
As tormented by an hubristic, racist inner psyche.