Suddenly the inner wall became transparent, as if lit by some inner radiance.
All was white, the stone glowing with an inner radiance that bathed everything in brilliance.
In the shadowed room, it shone with a greenish inner radiance.
But at the very end of the segment he portrayed Helen in the years since Polly's death as "alone" except for an inner radiance.
Dame Margot was known for her musicality, beauty of line, inner radiance and refinement.
Presence is the quality that brings power, joy, and inner radiance into your experience.
The child's color was heightened, and he seemed to glow with an inner radiance.
He thought the inner radiance of the white fur dimmed momentarily.
They were extraordinarily large and clear, a warm brown with an inner radiance.
In the murky half-light, he seemed to glow with an inner radiance.