Marine environments such as outer and inner shelf, platform reef, and near shore beach and lagoon, are all represented within the 'Imperial Formation.'
It lives on the inner shelf at depths of between 20 and 100 m.
During the lower Angoumian (Angoulême Formation), a muddy, calcareous lagoon had established itself on the inner shelf with a low to moderate energy level.
Cyst are also often transported from the inner shelf to the outer shelf or slope.
In the Middle Atlantic Bight, scup spawn along the inner continental shelf.
During the Middle Jurassic, an oolitic barrier, made up mostly of argillaceous micrites, separates an outer shelf from an inner shelf.
Cepola haastii is a bandfish of the family Cepolidae, found on the inner continental shelf around New Zealand.
A southwesterly ocean current, (occasionally containing runoff from the Gulf of St Lawrence) flows over the inner shelf.
The artist makes striking use of lacewood, a yellowish wood from the sycamore tree, which possesses a naturally luxurious surface pattern, for the inner shelves.
But if the proper sequence of hidden catches was pressed, then the inner shelves swung out as well, revealing a deep cavity behind them.