With an inner sigh he squeezed it tightly in his hand, stood up, and walked on.
Then, with an inner sigh, he thought, But not today.
They were now so obviously adults that he could produce an inner sigh of relief and decide to leave th6 worrying to them.
With a futile inner sigh, she set the menu aside and asked the waitress what she'd recommend.
Richard let out an inner sigh that at least one of the men had actually chosen to do the right thing.
He'd locked less guilty-looking pairs in cages, he thought with an inner sigh.
And, she decided with an inner sigh, no style.
His mouth was set; stubborn, like Robyn, she thought with an inner sigh.
Harry gave a silent and inner sigh of relief.
At length, with an inner sigh, I gave it to him.