He was impressed that McDonald's did not try to steer him toward an inner-city location.
It was unusual at the time both in its inner-city location and in its modernist design, and all the original parts of the estate are now listed buildings.
Because poorer families often cannot afford to pay transportation costs they may be forced to live in inner-city locations closer to employment opportunities.
The Harlem Hospital Center has engaged in many innovative programs specialized for its inner-city location, such as one of the few specialized asthma centers.
Hundreds of theatergoers, white and black, have flocked to packed performances at the Market Theater, which often struggles for an audience because of its inner-city location.
This is one of Melbourne's finest and most expensive inner-city locations.
In most cases, these poor inner-city locations were populated predominantly by minorities, and many featured large public housing developments.
It has 17 tracks-2 for the main workshop, and 15 for the service workshop-but its inner-city location prevents any further expansion.
Trucks replaced barges and trains as the main means of transportation, and the Island's cramped, inner-city location no longer looked attractive to industry.
Because of the hospital's inner-city location, most of the patients were African American.