When Miranda Devine refers to the elites, she refers to an inner-city population.
Westwood was originally established as a desirable residential neighborhood, included as part of the expansion to Cincinnati's growing inner-city population during the 19th to mid-20th centuries.
These are mostly CBD workers, tourists and the growing inner-city population.
Raising the living standards of the inner-city population will let these problems begin to take care of themselves.
But Census officials acknowledge that the count underrepresents minorities and inner-city populations.
Philip Morris has interests in beer and cigarettes, two businesses that are sometimes criticized for targeting inner-city and minority populations.
In 1909, Goldberger published his research on Schamberg disease, an acarine mite-based parasitic infection common among poor, inner-city populations.
For the last 60 years, Monroe has educated the ever-changing inner-city population in the New York metropolitan area.
Many of our politicians feel the answers lie in widening suburban roads to cope with the traffic and building more prisons to house inner-city populations.
It is a major transportation hub, has a vast inner-city population and offers block upon block of public housing projects, a favorite crack target.