An inner-city resident cannot use a more efficient community health center instead of a hospital emergency room if there are none.
The result has been the displacement of many poorer, inner-city residents.
All of the training programs in the world will not do much for the inner-city residents who cannot physically reach the employment now available.
Why would a bank take the trouble to seek and process applications from inner-city residents if it did not want to make loans?
Some community leaders have criticized the plan because it will not guarantee jobs for any inner-city residents.
But many of those inner-city residents used the jobs to flee rather than rebuild their neighborhoods.
The school has produced several public interest lawyers, government officials and entreprenuers who have employed inner-city residents.
Still, inner-city residents seem to value the time-dollar system, and for more than the work it provides.
Until recently, he says, virtually all of those calling in to seek help with crack were young inner-city residents, poor and unemployed.
The last group are the inner-city residents, who are percent black.