Of innocent merriment!
Miss Caddell's ballerina was filled with an innocent merriment that drove her to her death.
This outburst of innocent merriment drew from Sir Nugent so fierce an expletive that Phoebe thought it prudent to go to his rescue.
Ernesta Corvino is a performer with an engaging quality of innocent merriment.
Oliver instantly translated this remark, which made us all laugh, including Maqueda herself, and very grateful we were to find the opportunity for a little innocent merriment upon that tragic night.
The innocent merriment of the elections and that gloomy, oppressive love he had to go back to struck Vronsky by their contrast.
Whereas "Bachiana" is innocent merriment, "Riff" is a sly choreographic prank devised by Mr. Parsons and Tony Scott, a clarinetist.
Half of those who read it regarded it as a source of innocent merriment.
Aiken studied it through his farsenses and perceived nothing but innocent merriment within.
Its little incongruities are a source of innocent merriment.