So it was an innocuous message delivered in an abusive manner.
The note from his "brother" Saul read like an innocuous message: a niece's marriage, the death of an old relative, struggling family businesses.
In case of emergency, say if she couldn't make it, she was supposed to get word to Muir by way of the general store, leaving a certain innocuous message.
Not the standard innocuous "message incoming" signal: The screen had darkened to Starfleet blue, flashing a "high-security" warning.
He had established his own codes, cunningly concealed within deceptively innocuous messages, in order to keep his com- munications secret.
Not the brief, innocuous message, but the letterhead.
A totally innocuous message, as well.
The most common virus in this country, the Stoned virus, makes an innocuous message appear on the screen but does no real damage.
He had clearly called late in the day and left an innocuous message, betting I wouldn't call back.