Had his seemingly innocuous remark been in actual fact a warning of his own evil intent?
He is so conscious of his own rogue image that even an innocuous remark about his appearance can set him off.
It might seem like an innocuous remark, but in football terms Ken was sending me a message.
As the independent filmmaker told it, he made an innocuous remark, on the order of "Hi, how're you doing?"
His rebellious imagination persisted in reading hidden meanings into the most innocuous remarks.
The downside: By reading too much into what others say or do, we can over-react to innocuous remarks.
And those are some of the more innocuous remarks.
Yesterday his apparently innocuous remark about an "orderly" dollar decline again put downward pressure on the currency.
Emma gave him a pitying look, as if at a loss to explain a lifetime passion to one who could make such an innocuous remark.
Kim always had the ability to make him laugh, even with the most innocuous remark.