It also houses highly innovative mechanisms for interactive, multi-player sound and musical composition.
He also introduced innovative financial mechanisms, negotiated bond legislation and proposed new Water Authority.
It also developed innovative financial mechanisms, including the concept of using Third World debt reduction to protect the global environment.
He has also written on forestry, low impact logging, and innovative financial mechanisms for the environment.
An innovative mechanism called output based aid is used to provide services to 40,000 households in rural and peri-urban areas.
The Commission believes that innovative mechanisms for financing development have a useful role to play.
Under pressure, new ideas can emerge, creating innovative mechanisms in order to induce development and avoid the errors that led to the crisis.
The extent to which the options considered can be used as innovative financial mechanisms must be observed.
This initiative is dedicated to innovative financial mechanisms allowing to better mobilize funds for development programs.
Category 3: Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanisms.