The chef, Alvin Leung Jr., who was formerly an acoustic engineer, is generally inspired for his innovative and original offerings by what he finds in the marketplace.
The firm supports farmers and growers in their development by providing personalised agronomic advice and an innovative, competitive offering.
"These will probably be the most innovative offerings Goodyear has come up with since the mid- to late-1970's," said an industry analyst who insisted on anonymity.
Mr. Pintabona's innovative American offerings will include barbecue breast of duck, with peanut whipped potatoes and Japanese eggplant, and a banana tart with milk-chocolate malted ice cream.
The university meets its commitment to excellence through expanding and modifying academic programs and innovative curricular offerings by preparing students to meet the demands of the future.
The 1971 Harley-Davidson XLH Sportster wasn't a particularly innovative or successful offering.
These innovative offerings startle and satisfy.
There were some great ideas; some oldies and some more innovative offerings.
The announcement marks yet another innovative yet traditional offering for an ensemble that Allan Kozinn, of the New York Times, has hailed as "also worth mentioning."
High-tech firms tend to have the most innovative offerings, like on-site massages, concierge services, even quiet rooms where workers can nap.