Brent Meyer, known throughout the snowboarding world as an innovative and daring talent, attempts a unique three-dimensional snowboarding stunt.
His two novels are a testament to what many critics have hailed as a vivid imagination and a quirky, innovative talent.
At the fall shows here today, four collections by innovative talents took the plunge.
Those who liked it said it captured the excitement and innovative talents of British art today.
Four of Africa's most talented peoples - the Ibo, the Bamilike, the waChagga and the Bugunda - have all had their innovative talents circumscribed for many years.
Through networking and introducing new and innovative talent to the area, these ball culture figures have managed to make the nations capitol one of the ballroom capitols as well.
This ceaseless cultivation of innovative talent gave the musical a vital sense of continuity, of being able to command its own history.
The consensus was that Eartha was indeed a truly gifted and innovative talent whose creative abilities offered great innovation and a promising future.
Mr. Alvarado's innovative talents were amply demonstrated during his 10 years as a district superintendent in East Harlem.
SEM-ART Gallery specializes in producing exhibitions that feature innovative talent and exciting new exhibition concepts.