The Center seeks to integrate innovative thinkers in order to advance society's understanding of social, cultural, historical, psychological, and scientific issues.
The student is trained to be an independent and innovative thinker with a solid foundation in the fundamentals.
Keep reading to see what some of the industry's most innovative thinkers believe race cars will look like in the year 2025.
In economic circles, he is known more as a solid analyst than as an innovative thinker.
Remember that innovative thinkers aren't always those with the most impressive list of qualifications.
He was an innovative thinker whose ideas provided the foundations for many topics that are still studied today.
Her defenders contend that the religious right is trying to smear one of the most innovative thinkers on sexual responsibility for the young.
In my mind he is an innovative thinker.
If we do, we may continue to lead the world in producing the most creative and innovative adult thinkers.
The talks present the ideas of some of the world's most innovative thinkers.