Although the membership of Sanbo Kyodan is small, 3,790 registered followers and 24 instructors in 1988, "the Sanbõkyõdan has had an inordinate influence on Zen in the West".
But Mr. Houser said that European history must be given a dominant emphasis because of its "inordinate influence on the world."
We all know that corporations have inordinate influence over governments (duh) but this shifts on from the ridiculous to the outrageous.
The corruption stems from the enormous monetary resources of corporations and their inordinate influence on campaign funding.
Such a system, he said, "starts to look like what we call a single-payer system in drag, meaning there's some single-power body that has probably inordinate influence over the marketplace."
President Bush has proposed a measure that would ban PAC's in Federal elections, saying they give special interests an inordinate influence.
So how did the editors of the Times settle on "substantial financial resources" as the source of the religious right's inordinate influence on national politics?
106 But the religious right bounced back to exercise inordinate influence on President George W. Bush.
In particular, Picasso exerts an inordinate influence on the young Matulka, as he did on so many other artists during the early 20th century.
Do you think it might be because, as the self proclaimed leader of the free world, the US has an inordinate influence on the lives of people elsewhere?