The inquiry has centered on the relationships between military contractors and their consultants.
The inquiry centered around a $50,000 loan in 1979 from a Kansas bank to Mr. Dole's wife, Elizabeth, which was immediately re-lent to the campaign.
That car was found dumped and burnt out in Bristol and inquiries are centering around there.
They said the inquiry has centered on allegations of fixed fights, in some cases possibly as a result of forged medical documents.
The inquiry centered on cracks in the four piers that join the bridge deck to the large concrete mats, or footings, that anchor it in the stream bed.
That inquiry centered on whether her income exceeded the limits for the apartment and whether anyone in the Borough President's office improperly aided her in obtaining it.
The inquiry has centered on possible wrongdoing arising from the Democratic Party's effort to funnel millions of dollars into a television advertisement campaign for the President's re-election.
The public inquiry centred on whether the driver had had adequate training on the recently introduced flashing yellow signals and the implications at multiple junctions (Hall 1987).
The criminal inquiry centered on accusations that Prudential misled investors about the safety and potential returns of the firm's risky limited partnerships.
Mr. Ismudjoko's inquiry centered on what had seemed the most accessible area of investigation, a complex of seven charitable foundations.