The inquiry did not seek information from him, according to the report.
The inquiry is seeking, in part, to determine whether any company sought to eliminate competition.
The inquiry seeks to determine if they violated the Federal law against paying doctors to induce referrals of Medicare or Medicaid patients.
The inquiry sought written evidence and submissions from concerned parties.
In 2002, another inquiry by the same government sought to minimize the number of people killed.
In addition to the Lavelle case, an inquiry is seeking to determine whether several principals were denied tenure for political reasons.
The inquiry is seeking evidence of possible violations of the Privacy Act of 1974.
The inquiry, he said, would also seek to trace dormant bank accounts of Holocaust victims.
The inquiry will seek to find out how the prisoner came to have a razor.
The second inquiry, announced last week, will seek to determine whether Mr. Olmert acted improperly to help friends before a leading Israeli bank was privatized in 2005.