The young man cast a quick inquisitive look at his wife.
He took a deep breath and recovered the sharp inquisitive look that usually resided on his face.
And then with an inquisitive look struggling with the fear in her eyes, "Where to?"
I looked hard at her, and she met my stare with a strange, inquisitive look.
Sara gave Jeffrey an inquisitive look, and he returned the question with an affirmative nod.
Joss moved to exit, then stopped and turned with an inquisitive look.
"Your official Bureau file, or at least part of it," she said in response to his inquisitive look.
Kirk stepped back from the din, tossing an inquisitive look across at his science officer.
He met Pulou's inquisitive look and let out his breath.
He hesitated, a strange inquisitive look growing on his face.