Lieutenant, I'm not by nature an inquisitive person, but may I ask you a personal question?
Certainly she was a most inquisitive person when she suspected any mischief was going on.
Another meaning is derived from an Aboriginal word for 'inquisitive person'.
'But what if some inquisitive person comes and asks me who I am before this evening?'
Describing himself as a "very inquisitive person," he said that his background in the news industry gave him an interest in community affairs, neighborhoods and "the little guy."
Within his life he was already called "the Historian Arakel" and had a reputation of being a very competent and inquisitive person.
She was so completely swathed in the voluminousrobes that no inquisitive person they passed on the road would be ableto tell if she were man or woman.
Of course, to accomplish that she must undertake a long journey but being an inquisitive and optimistic person, Amy readily accepts her destiny.
Reg is a terrific person, intelligent and inquisitive, and he just blossoms as he gains confidence in his reading.
Others, chance visitors or inquisitive persons, were never admitted.