Owing to the insanitary conditions and malarial swamps in some parts there was also a heavy incidence of disease.
Furthermore, it was only during this period that scientific advance identified the main links between insanitary conditions and disease.
Until 1811 the building was home, if you could call it that, to as many as 1000 slaves, who lived in damp, insanitary, crowded conditions.
The inspections revealed insanitary conditions that could lead to the contamination of the finished product with L. monoor other pathogenic microorganisms.
The result was severe overcrowding and insanitary conditions.
His investigations of mortality rates in Hastings showed the insanitary conditions of artisan housing, despite the town's new popularity as a health resort.
Almost all were poor, and housed in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
The killer was not starvation, but typhus which spread quickly in the overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
Poor facilities, insanitary conditions, the high density of huts represented a serious safety hazard.
The determination of the refugees, despite the freezing and insanitary conditions, had opened people's eyes.