Wine - an insatiable passion of charismatic owner Umberto Montan - is yet another draw.
Nanny finds it quiet; she has an insatiable passion for babies and small children.
Mark Anthony's insatiable passion for Cleopatra saps his military judgement.
No, it was really only his insatiable passion for.
Certainly, he possessed all of his father's insatiable passions, and old Robert Guiscard had never abstained from anything the entire length of his life.
It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship between the two men and instigated Anderson's insatiable passion for enthusiastically collecting contemporary art.
The desire to know whether or not a woman is cursed with curiosity is one of the most active and insatiable passions of the masculine soul.
The media have developed an insatiable passion for "witch hunts," such as the one that badly distorted Iran Contra stories during the Reagan years.
These are very dedicated, very active people with an insatiable passion for learning.
The completion of my demoniacal design became an insatiable passion.